ERP Consulting Service
If smaller or mid-size companies have employee strength less than one thousand employees if you try to implement larger ERP systems like SAP or oracle it will kill the unique competitive edges, best practices, and reliable business processes with very limited resources (included medium-skilled staff). And the cost such ERPs would be sometimes much higher, sometimes the cost will eat ‘a good portion’ of such small or mid Size Company’s yearly profit within months. But at the same time if your company has achieved remarkable growth and has employed more than thousands of employees then it’s time for changing the ERP system. Bigger ERP systems like SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, and Microsoft dynamics should be used to meet your increased demand in order to multiply the productivity.
Feasibility Studies
Investing in the ERP implementation project is a process of unwrapping a huge amount of opportunity, at it will optimize the overall business data process, its worthiness some times will cross an overall valuation of your entire business even though you spend only 1% of your yearly revenue. At the same time numerous risks are involved in this process. Whether the client companies have enough resources to manage an ERP Soft? Whether the ERP solution provider can automate all the regular business procedures/practices/activities? Whether each data set is made available in all different modules? The number of questions to be answered will be more than a thousand. So the client company should have appointed an ERP Consultant to study all aspects of the existing system and new proposed system. Our expert teams consisting of ERP consultants, Functional consultants, Project leads, Principle solution architects, and subject matter expert will study each every business processes then submit the feasibility report so that the client can adapt for a better system or even choose the ERP solution provider which fits best for their unique kind business processes.
System analysis and design
If the feasibility study of project s predicts positive impacts our, team will analyze the existing system and propose an innovative and state-of-the-art solution that fits best for the requirement. Both the front end and the backend will be designed in such a way that even the new employees can use the system after a few hours of training perfectly.
GAP Analysis
A GAP in an ERP is the area that is ignored intentionally or unintentionally by the solution provider in order to cut costs or because of lack of expertise or because to reduce the complexities. For. Some ERP doesn’t provide a project management module, sometimes job costing will not be seen in some ERPs. These omitted functionalities cause interruption for t client’s regular business processes. Then later the client will have inconvenient paperwork to perform these tasks.
Due diligence
The client will carry out internal and external investigations about the solution provider in order to understand that whether the solution provider has sufficient expertise to design and implement the solutions successfully. At the same time, the ERP Solution provider investigates the client company to which the solution provider proposes the ERP solution in order to find out whether the client has sufficient systems and resources to run this project without having any disruptions. Because if the client lacks resources the process of implementation will get stuck in the middle and the deal will end up in a legal battle. In order to avoid these types of situations, both parties will carry out ‘due diligence. We have a trained team for carrying out such investigations for both parties.
Partnering in the implementation process
We have a full-fledged development team in order to implement or customize third-party ERP systems like Oodoo, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, and Sage or Salesforce. Also if you are an ERP solution provider we will help you reduce the cost by implementing your solutions in the client’s systems.